Monday, January 21, 2008
blogs to come back to
There is Bluebird's Classroom, a middle school science teacher (recommended off the ASCD blogwatch).
And there is Two Writing Teachers, a shared blog by, um, two writing teachers (who live in different states and jointly create this blog out of shared common interests, passions, commitments....)
growing up online
Ok let's see if it worked.....
Well, I can see it! I just thought, in light of our scili conversation about awareness of one's online presence, this might add some more dimensions to the discussion. More information about the series can be found at Frontline's site.
(2 minutes later) Hmmm, now I can't, see the embedded video, that is. Maybe once you've embedded a video and watched it, it needs to rest for awhile? Will come back later to check.
(A day later) Nope. It appears to be gone. But you can see it at Frontline's site, or also, here is today's article from the NYTimes about the show. This link, of course will only work for the next 5 days or so, retrievable later through the subscription databases of BPL and other libraries.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
library 2.0 stuff
I found learnerblogs (see post below) via Grandview Elementary School Library Blog which is in NY and seems to have been incorporating wikis and blogs with their students for quite awhile. Hmmmm.
Resource-wonder Claire forwarded me Open Wide, Look Inside, which I recommend you do (look inside, that is)! And that I do, more thoroughly!! Using poetry and children’s literature across the curriculum, Tricia Stohr-Hunt. is on the faculty at the
Voices from the Inglenook – an elementary school library blog; correction, a GREAT elementary school library blog
Hammock Reader has applied VoiceThread to promote books; I think we could do this with students. I believe VoiceThread is a free service....
Nancy J. Keane
Big Book of Children's Reading Lists" (2006)
Booktalks Page
Reading Lists wiki
Claire’s wiki for Emerson
And check out her collection of links on her Post-Coordinate Bliss blog
VoiceThread—posting pictures or a power point, with narration!
Pettus Elementary Library -- Another elementary school library blog
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
other blog services
Sunday, January 13, 2008
layout of images
Here I am trying the "copy image location" option after hitting ctrl+click on my imac, which replicates the infinitely easier right-click of a pc.
This is a sea urchin embryo cell division, from the Exploratorium.
I used the blogger tool to insert an image and used the image location rather than browse my computer for a file to upload. However, I don't like that I can't control, beyond left and right, where the photo is, which is why it wound up in the upper right corner. Hmmm, let me try sticking in another photo now, here.
Ha! Look where it wound up! Up at the top! So, you really have to plan your images in advance, since they'll show up in the reverse order, if you're doing more than one image.
In fact, the only way I got this library hub image

Hence it would appear to me that one should make a new post for every image. There must be some non-techie way around this......